SITOD 2021

Venerdì 24 e sabato 25 settembre, si è svolto a Bologna il corso di certificazione in presenza SITOD.

Matek ha partecipato come sponsor, presentando i prodotti a onde d’urto di Sanuwave e i nuovi sistemi innovativi per la sanificazione ambientale di Bioxigen®; prima dell’apertura dei lavori, Matek ha inoltre ospitato un workshop con lo scopo di approfondire alcune tematiche di rilievo in ambito ortopedico, invitando il Dott. Mauro Mannoni e il Dott. Egisto Federici a presentare alcuni casi di successo trattati con le onde d’urto focalizzate.


Matek is a sponsor of the Conference “Krakow: New Frontiers in Wound Management” that will be held on May from 9th to 11th, at EWMA Krakow (Poland).

The EWMA 2018 conference will focus on the importance of improved and continued education of physicians, nurses, physical therapists and other healthcare professionals engaged in wound management.

Wound care technologies are rapidly developing offering new treatment options, which should be used when proven cost-effective and beneficial to the patients. The development further stresses the importance of up-to-date and continued education in an interdisciplinary environment. The technological and educational aspects are two important elements of seeking and expanding the new frontiers in wound management.

The EWMA conference will be held in Poland for the first time. It will take place in the historical city of Krakow. With its long history of intellectual heritage and modern dynamic development,
Krakow offers the ideal venue for the EWMA 2018 conference to gather the European and international wound management communities with the common goal of improving the care of wound patients.

For more details download the program